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Incident Response&Recovery

Incident response
 is a way in which you manage the aftermath of an IT security breach or failure. It is vital to have a response plan in place before an incident occurs so that you can:

  • limit the damage caused by the event
  • reduce recovery time and costs for your business

An IT incident response plan is a set of written instructions that can help you respond to a number of potential scenarios, such as:

  • information data breaches
  • denial of service attacks
  • firewall intrusion
  • virus or malware infection
  • insider threats
  • damage to equipment or premises
  • loss of power or other technology failures

How you respond to IT incidents will determine how well your business recovers from them. Planning can help you shorten recovery times and minimise losses.

A recovery plan could include your recovery time goals, as well as:

  • strategies to recover your business activities in the quickest possible time
  • a description of key resources, equipment and staff needed to recover your operations

It’s essential to plan thoroughly to protect yourself from the impact of potential business crises brought on by IT failure or security breach.